24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline 260-426-7273


Get Involved

Empowering women.
Transforming lives.


Like many nonprofit organizations, the Women’s Bureau seeks help from community volunteers. We have the following opportunities available:

Dress for Success: We are seeking volunteers in the Boutique to help suit clients. We can also use volunteers in the Career Center helping clients put their resumes together, write cover letters and thank you notes, and doing mock interviews.

Please contact Marty Kocks Hamrick about volunteering for Dress for Success. mkockshamrick@womensbureau.org.

We always need help on our Resource Development Committee. This committee helps to plan our special events for the year. We hold monthly meetings throughout the year and weekly meetings as we get closer to a special event.

Please contact Kathleen Alter about volunteering for the Resource Development Committee. kalter@womensbureau.org

3 primary

Residential treatment
program for women
with addiction
Sexual assault
awareness and
education programs
Dress for Success®
Job preparation
training, support and
professional attire